You are cordially invited to our IHSNO Ceramic Show at the Clay Center of New Orleans (1001 S Broad St., Spc 116, New Orleans, LA 70125)! Please join us in support of our Panthers! An Opening Reception will be held tomorrow, Saturday, March 8, from 1-3 p.m. Their masterpieces will be on display March 8-15. We hope to see you there!
4 days ago, IHSNO
ceramics show
Happy Mardi Gras! Please be reminded that IHSNO will be closed March 3-5. Campus will re-open on March 6-7, but students should remain home to complete their asynchronous work remotely. Have a fun and safe Mardi Gras, Panthers!
11 days ago, IHSNO
Happy Mardi Gras IHSNO Panther fam! Students and faculty may dress down in purple, green and/or gold with jeans for $2 tomorrow, Friday, February 28. P.S. Please be reminded that tomorrow, Friday, February 28, is a full day of in-person classes.
12 days ago, IHSNO
mardi gras dress down
Attn Panthers: please note that our HBCU dress down day has been postponed to Wednesday, March 12 to coincide with our students' Black History Month presentation. Students should wear their regular school uniform tomorrow, Thursday, February 27. Thanks!
13 days ago, IHSNO
hbcu dress down new date
Our Parent Alert Conferences will take place on Wednesday, February 19, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. This is a vital time for parents and guardians to review their student’s progress report, which will be issued during the conferences. Parents should visit their student’s advisory teacher to retrieve the progress report. Should parents need to speak with a subject teacher about a student’s progress, we encourage them to visit the teacher’s classroom on Wednesday. We look forward to seeing you there. If you are unable to attend, please contact your student’s advisory teacher for the progress report and your student’s teachers for updates.
22 days ago, IHSNO
progress alert conference
The Super Bowl is being held in New Orleans!! To celebrate, students may donate $2 to dress down in their favorite football team's shirt/jersey and jeans (jeans should fit on waist with no rips or tears) on Friday, February 7. Please remember that students should follow the dress-down guidelines on pages 39-40 in the Student & Family Handbook.
about 1 month ago, IHSNO
super bowl dress down
Tomorrow, Friday, January 31, students may donate $2 to dress down in red/gold and jeans (jeans should fit on waist with no rips or tears). Please remember that students should follow the dress-down guidelines on pages 39-40 in the Student & Family Handbook.
about 1 month ago, IHSNO
cny dress down
Panthers, we can’t wait to welcome you back to Esplanade tomorrow! There is a precautionary boil water advisory in place for the East Bank of New Orleans. We are asking students to bring bottles of water with them to drink throughout the day until the precautionary advisory is lifted. Breakfast and lunch will be served with safety precautions in place. See you tomorrow!
about 1 month ago, IHSNO
boil water advisory
Dear IHSNO Panthers, after consulting with city officials and NOLA-PS, we’ve decided to keep IHSNO closed on Friday, January 24. Classes will resume on Monday, January 27. Read more here:
about 2 months ago, IHSNO
jan 24 weather alert
1/24 alerta
Happy Snow Day! IHSNO will remain closed on Wed, 1/22-Thurs, 1/23. We will notify families about our plans for Friday on Thursday afternoon. Read more here: Stay safe and warm!
about 2 months ago, IHSNO
jan 22-23 closure
jan 22-23 cerrado
Dear Panthers, IHSNO will be closed on Mon., Jan. 20 in honor of MLK Day and on Tues., Jan. 21 in anticipation of hazardous winter conditions. Read more here:
about 2 months ago, IHSNO
Hey Panthers! Tomorrow, Thursday, January 16, 2025, from 5-7 p.m., IHSNO will host a High School Fair to help families learn more about their different school options for the 2025-2026 school year. Representatives from high schools serving different parishes will be on-hand to speak with families about their school’s curriculum, programs, and offerings. Starting at 4 p.m. and continuing throughout the fair until 7 p.m., bilingual representatives from EnrollNOLA will also be on-site at IHSNO for families who would like on-the-spot assistance with the NCAP process and your student’s individual application. We hope to see you there!
about 2 months ago, IHSNO
high school fair
feria de secundaria
On Monday, January 6, 2025, from 6-7 p.m., IHSNO will host a parent meeting to provide information and discuss next steps as your family begins the process of selecting a new high school for the 2025-2026 school year. We want to ensure you have all the information needed to make this process as smooth as possible. We have invited representatives from Enroll NOLA and a board member from the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to speak with you during the meeting and answer any questions you may have. Before the meeting, IHSNO staff members will be available from 3-6 p.m. to support families with the NCAP process. We hope to see you there!
2 months ago, IHSNO
Jan 6 parent meeting
Sending the best of luck to our Panthers taking the LEAP test!
3 months ago, IHSNO
leap test schedule
leap schedule espanol
Good luck on your exams, Panthers!
3 months ago, IHSNO
dec 2024 exam schedule
We hope to see our IHSNO families at our 2nd Quarter Parent Alert Conferences this Wednesday, from 4-6 pm! We encourage all families to attend these conferences to learn about your student’s progress so far this semester and discuss ways to support their success in the final three weeks of the term. This is a great time to ask questions and develop a plan for a strong finish to the semester. We hope to see you tomorrow!
3 months ago, IHSNO
progress report conference Dec 4
IHSNO will be closed Monday, November 25-Friday, November 29 for our Thanksgiving break. Happy Thanksgiving, Panthers!
4 months ago, IHSNO
Thanksgiving Break
Panthers! Elections for your 2024-2025 Student Council will be held this Thursday and Friday during lunch. Don't forget to stop by Stairwell A to vote!
4 months ago, IHSNO
sga elections
Good afternoon, IHSNO Panthers! Please be reminded that there will be no school tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5, in observance of Election Day. School will resume on Wednesday, November 6.
4 months ago, IHSNO
No School on Nov 5
Tomorrow, Thursday, October 31, students may donate $2 to dress down in black/orange and jeans (jeans should fit on waist with no rips or tears). Please remember that students should follow the dress-down guidelines on pages 39-40 in the Student & Family Handbook. We will also be selling drinks and treats on this day so don’t forget to bring cash!
4 months ago, IHSNO
black and orange dress down